Animal Research

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Missed the BRAD Webinar? Watch It on Replay!

Thursday April 20th, 2023 was Biomedical Research Awareness Day. We hope many of you work at institutions that take part in this increasingly popular outreach and education event created by AMP.

If you didn’t have a chance to attend a BRAD activity, it’s not too late. This  year’s BRAD webinar is available via replay. Just click this link  and fill out the registration form to watch it.

This year’s presenter is Tania Roth, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Delaware. She explains how nonhuman animals provide vital information that helps us understand how early-life experiences can significantly affect development and lifelong health. This year’s webinar also includes a rat tickling demonstration by Megan Gerhardt of Alexion Pharmaceuticals, which is AstraZeneca’s Rare Disease Unit.

We hope you can find the time to watch this outstanding presentation. 

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