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Scientists fear big cuts to animal research under Trump 2.0


“After the U.S. elections last month, 27 scientific societies and academic institutions sent a letter to Congress, calling for “robust investments” in animal studies and arguing against any legislation that would phase out such research. “We need to be proactive,” says Naomi Charalambakis, director of communications and science policy at Americans for Medical Progress, which spearheaded the effort. “We’re fighting battles from multiple angles.”

She says the biomedical community needs to speak in terms that can grab the attention of the politicians in power. If the goal is to challenge China, for example, “we need to talk about how they’re ramping up their biomedical research,” she says. Cuts to animal studies, Charalambakis says, make the U.S. less competitive.”

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Published December 10, 2024 by David Grimm, Science

1 escaped monkey returned to Lowcountry research facility, 42 still play at large


“An expert with scientific animal studies advocacy group Americans for Medical Progress said generally the wellbeing of the animal would be the first priority. Caretakers would evaluate the monkeys and then proceed depending on the results, said Naomi Charalambakis, science policy and communications director of the nonprofit.

Charalambakis called the narratives from anti-animal testing advocacy groups “unfortunate.” She said eliminating primate medical research would do significant damage to public and animal health.

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Published November 9, 2024 by Mitchell Black, Jessica Wade, tony Kukulich and Jason Cato, Post and Courier

Former research chimps will move to sanctuary, after NIH reverses course


“Cindy Buckmaster, spokesperson for Americans for Medical Progress, a biomedical advocacy group that has opposed moving chimpanzees away from the facilities and staff they have known for most of their lives, worries about the future of the Alamogordo chimps. “It is a gut-wrenching outcome for them and the caregivers who love them.”

Still, she applauds the thoughtfulness that went into NIH’s decision. “This directive will allow the time needed for everyone involved to get these frail chimps transferred and settled in as carefully and compassionately as possible.”

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Published November 8, 2024 by David Grimm, Science

Key research beagle breeder faces potential criminal probe


“Naomi Charalambakis, director of communications and science policy at Americans for Medical Progress, a nonprofit organization that advocates for the responsible use of animals in research, defends the facility, saying its staff “put animal welfare first. They really abide by all of the strict regulations—everything that is in place.”

She argues that because Ridglan often supplies dogs for veterinary research, the shuttering of the facility “would be a huge setback for veterinary medicine, especially if we are hoping to have improved medications and treatments for dogs themselves.”

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Published October 28, 2024 by Meredith Wadman, Science

‘Curious Science Writers’ Visit NIH Campus


“A new generation of science writers visited campus on July 18. The aptly named Curious Science Writers visited with researchers, science writers and staff from the Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU) and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR).

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Published August 20, 2024 by Amber Snyder, NIH Record

People are protesting a Wayne County beagle breeder. They want to end animal testing


“If you think about how long it takes to develop technology, and ensure that it works appropriately, we’re sort of in the infancy of this technology,” said Jim Newman, director of strategic communications for Americans for Medical Progress. “But that’s not to say there isn’t tremendous promise.”

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Published August 14, 2024 by Gino Fanelli, WXXI News NPR

AMP Opinion Article: Bainbridge Site Offers Opportunity to Advance Medical Research


“If you’ve received a flu vaccine, or given your child cold medicine, you have directly benefited from animal research. If you’ve taken insulin for diabetes, received the polio vaccine, undergone chemotherapy, underwent coronary bypass surgery, had kidney dialysis, or taken medications for psychiatric illnesses, research in nonhuman primates played a big part in those treatments.”

“Critics often argue that computer models or organs-on-a-chip can replace animal research. And while these technologies help reduce the number of animals that need to be studied, they are still in their infancy and cannot fully replicate the intricate workings of the human body. “

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Op-ed by Paula Clifford Published in the Tallahassee Democrat on April 11, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Animal Studies Still Necessary


“Many animal-based breakthroughs directly lead to human health advancements. Veterinary medicine improvements naturally require animal studies as well.”

“There is no super computer hidden away in an underground lair that can mimic all the incredibly complex functions of the human body and also the countless diseases that impact us. Why? Because in order to model something, you must first fully understand it, and there are countless aspects about health systems that we do not yet fully comprehend.”

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Letter to the Editor by Paula Clifford Published October 8, 2023 by the Las Vegas Sun News

Letter to the Editor: Animals Still Play a Vital Role in Research


“The American public deserves a truthful discussion about the role of animals in research. Those opposed certainly have a right to share their opinions. But readers deserve better than this.” Read more.  

Published October 3, 2023 by the Baltimore Sun 

Curious About Science Writing: Students Visit with OACU

NIH’s Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU) opened its doors to two high school science writers on July 13. Tara Prakash and Nora Pierce are participants in Curious Science Writers (cSw), a program hosted by Americans for Medical Progress (AMP) that pairs high school students with mentors as the aspiring scribes research and write their own articles. Read more.

Published August 18, 2023 by NIH Record