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Webinar to Summarize New Report on Status of Animal Rights Movement, Advice for Research Organizations

The Federation for American Societies for Experimental Biology is hosting a webinar on April 12 to summarize a new report on the current status of the animal rights movement and strategies for protecting current and future studies. The report was authored by Americans for Medical Progress, FASEB, the Foundation for Biomedical Research and the National Association for Biomedical Research. It’s titled Animal Research Activism: Update and Recommendations to Promote Communication, Transparency, and Public Outreach About Animal Research and can be downloaded at this link.  

During the free, one-hour webinar, representatives from all four author organizations will collaboratively: 

  • Examine both new and longstanding tactics employed by animal rights groups. 
  • Propose proactive and reactive strategies (communications, legislative, etc.) to counter the damaging impacts of animal rights campaigns. 
  • Offer recommendations to improve or expand communications, education and public outreach about animal research. 

Registration information 

Click this link to register for this presentation which will be followed by a Q&A session.  







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