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AMP, FASEB, FBR, NABR Release Report Guidance to Help Counter Animal Activism

A new report authored by Americans for Medical Progress, FASEB, the Foundation for Biomedical Research and the National Association for Biomedical Research provides updates and advice aimed at countering animal rights activism and the serious threat it poses to future progress. The document is titled “Animal Research Activism: Update and Recommendations to Promote Communication, Transparency, and Public Outreach About Animal Research.” It was created to educate the animal research community about the evolving threat of animal rights activism, encourage stakeholders to improve communication/outreach efforts and provide specific advice in doing so. 

The report is organized into three main areas: 

  • An examination of both new and longstanding tactics employed by animal rights groups. 
  • Some proposed proactive and reactive strategies (communications, legislative, etc.) to counter the damaging impacts of animal rights campaigns. 
  • Specific recommendations to improve or expand communication, education and public outreach about animal research. 

A full copy of the report can be downloaded at this link.  



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