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Americans for Medical Progress Statement on Ongoing Misinformation Campaign Targeting the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

October 28, 2021

Efforts by a collection of animal rights organizations this week to mislead the public about critical health research in animals is nothing less than appalling. These groups have essentially accused the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of “medieval torture.” However, as the Washington Post noted, “The only thing being tortured here is the truth.” So many critical facts were missing or purposefully misconstrued by activists, it’s no wonder people are upset. Here are just a few of the important details that were left out:

● The research took place in dogs because much of the work was focused on developing dog vaccines to combat leishmaniasis, a dangerous parasitic disease that threatens both canines and humans. One must logically study dogs in order to develop dog medications. To suggest otherwise is nonsensical.

● An additional reason why leishmaniasis research occurs in canines is because the disease frequently uses dogs as disease hosts. It then jumps to humans via sand fly bites. This demonstrates again why creating a vaccine for dogs is so critically important.

● There are significant factual errors in the claims circulated by animal activists. One of the three research projects that was criticized was never funded by the NIAID or the NIH. As a result, the photo of research animals under mosquito netting that appeared in nearly all the news coverage was also highly misleading.

● Regarding the research that was funded by the NIH, records show extensive steps were taken to ensure the animals involved in studies did not suffer. They were not “eaten alive” by flies as activists have falsely claimed.

Click here to read the full press release/statement.

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