Animal Research

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New Additions to AMP’s COVID-19 Resources

Each day, AMP is expanding it’s COVID-19 information and assistance for the research community. 

One significant addition is on our main resources page. We’re posting select news stories that highlight the critical role of animals in identifying COVID-19 treatments and also in developing a vaccine. When appropriate and effective, we need to remind the public that animal research saves lives and is critical for countering the tremendous health threat we currently face. Institutions are encouraged to cite these stories and the information contained within them in communications with the public. We’ll also keep adding stories as we spot them.  

A couple of other recent additions to our COVID-19 resources: 

  • On our password-protected FAQ page we’ve added several new examples to show how research institutions across the country are communicating with employees and the public about the outbreak’s impacts on their facilities, staff and animals. We post these links to help peer organizations as they develop or expand their own messaging.   
  • We also continue to add resources for tracking the outbreak. Today we posted the link to a website called COVID Near You . It’s an online tracking database developed by Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School that allows the public to quickly and easily report COVID-19 symptoms or testing activities. 
  • We’ve also added a link to obtain hyper-local coronavirus information which provides key details for the region you are currently in. That project is hosted by The Weather Channel/IBM.  

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