Raising Voices, Saving Lives


Searching for the truth about the need for animals in biomedical research and how they are handled can be difficult.

In addition to our animal research links page, we collected some videos and shared them below to help in the quest to learn why, how, and when animals are needed for medical research.

Stop Hiding and Change the World!

Watch Dr. Cindy Buckmaster, AMP’s Chair, AMP Board of Directors, speaks about Animal Research


Primates in biomedical Research: Brain-computer Interface and robotic arms, a new hope for completely paralyzed persons.

Since ancient times, Italians have been celebrated worldwide as great artists, poets, scientists and inventors. Lets just think of Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Marconi and Meucci, and, more recently, of the Nobel Laureates Montalcini or Capecchi. We in Pro-test aim to support all those minds that favour scientific and human progress. Dr. Caminiti, Professor of Human Physiology, expert in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, will explain us why primates are used in research.

Veterinarians Speaking for Research

Hear from veterinarians on the front lines of research, take a tour through an animal research facility, and learn how current research is improving medical care for humans and animals. Contact us for a full DVD.

Jen’s Story

AMP is sad to share the passing of a true hero. Jen Streicker was a Biomedical Research Scientist that battled breast cancer for 12 years. She worked tirelessly for herself and others to cure breast cancer. We shall always be thankful for Jen’s work towards a cure and give our condolences to her family and friends on their loss of such a courageous advocate. Courtesy of FBR Media YouTube

Duke – Research Beagle Saving Lives

Veterinarian, Dr. Lisa Portnoy, shares the story of her beloved pet Duke and the contributions he made that can help save thousands of lives.


Experimenting on Animals: Inside The Monkey Lab

VICE News gets rare access to Europe’s largest primate testing facility, the Biomedical Primate Research Center (BPRC) in the Netherlands, where scientists try to find cures for the worst human diseases, while claiming to provide unparalleled care for the monkeys in the hope they live the most animal friendly life before and during testing. Courtesy of VICE News YouTube