cSw Editor Contract & Response Form Student Name* First Last Student Home Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Student Email* Editor Contract*As a cSw Editor, I agree to: Devote the time and effort required by the program and conduct my self in a way that meets my personal standards and cSw standards Adhere to the cSw process Respect the time of my mentor, other volunteers and fellow students Communicate with my mentor, program faculty and student writers appropriately Give helpful advice when editing to help writers improve their work Participate in cSw social media outreach throughout the year Response to participate in the cSw training program:* Yes, I accept a cSw editor role and will attend the virtual Boot Camp and review topics provided to me before the Boot Camp No, I must decline the cSw editor role and will not participate in the cSw program this year Payment Options*Please indicate your preferred method of payment. If you choose to pay by credit card you will be sent a secure URL. If you prefer to pay by check, please send payment to: Americans for Medical Progress, Attn: cSw Program, 444 North Capitol St. NW, Ste 417, Washington, DC 20001 I wish to pay by credit card I will pay by check Δ